Percentage Calculator

What is % of ?

Result :


A percentage calculator is a great tool with the purpose of making it easy to make calculations involving percentages. It can find the percent of a total, calculate the percent increase/decrease, or even find out what percent one number is of another. This calculator does the job in an easy way, simplifying things, and returning your results quickly.

How to use a percent calculator Values to input

Percentage : the value of the percent you want to calculate.
Total Amount : Enter the total amount or base value from which you wish to work out the percentage.
Calculate :
The Percentage Calculator uses the following formulae to make the calculation

To Find Percentage of a Total Amount :

\(\text{Percentage Value} = \frac{\text{Percentage}}{100} \times \text{Total Amount}\)

To Calculate Percentage Increase or Decrease :

\(\text{Percentage Increase or Decrease} = \frac{\text{New Value} – \text{Old Value}}{\text{Old Value}} \times 100\)

To Determine What Percentage One Number Is of Another : 

\(\text{Percentage} = \frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}} \times 100\)

Interpret Results:

Percentage Value : This will tell how much the given percentage is of the total amount .
Percentage Increase or Decrease : This tells by what amount, as a percentage of the original value, that the value has increased or gone down.
Percentage of One Number : It means what percentage one number is of another.

Example Calculations

Example 1 : Finding Percentage of a Total Amount

Percentage : 25%
Total Amount : $200
Calculation :
Percentage Value

\(\text{Percentage Value} = \frac{25}{100} \times 200 = 50

Example 2 : Calculating Percentage Increase

Old Value : $150
New Value : $180
Calculation :

\(\text{Percentage Increase} = \frac{180 – 150}{150} \times 100 = 20\%

Example 3 : Finding What Percent One Number Is of Another

Part : 30
Whole : 120

Calculation :

\(\text{Percentage} = \frac{30}{120} \times 100 = 25\%\)

Tips for Effective Use

Double-Check Inputs : Make sure that all the values being input are correct to get accurate results.

Know the Formulas : Be conversant with the different percentage calculations so that you know how to use the calculator effectively to suit your varying needs.

Use regularly : Use the percentage calculator for regular budgeting, financial planning, or academic purposes to make things a lot easier in calculations.